Now that Easter has passed...
...Summer's waiting around the corner and with it's pending arrival...a growing list of "summer goals". This list would be better named, "things I won't do but putting them on a list makes me feel optimistic about life". One of my "summer goals" is to actually use this blog. I'm graduating in less than 3 weeks (akbdafbjia! what am i doing with my lyyyyyfffeee!!!) and taking the postgrad idealistic route - meaning I'm starting a freelance design company with a friend (Written Couture - wedding invitations, stationary, and panhandling frenz & family near you). So you see this summer blog goal is really to help us all - just think of it as a designlovefest ish scenario minus Rue Magazine & websites designed for Lauren Conrad's make-up company. Oh and minus the 1221529 followers, a fancy LA loft with complimentary cute boyfriend. But besides that the same deal at a cheaper San Diego based price - design/ art/ lyyyfe inspiration that's sprinkled with rants from my 20something - pronetofakeexistentialcrisis personal life and shameless (but cute & witty) business plugs. Let's get back to the real issue at hand summer goals! While it's peppered with goals aimed to prompt personal growth and health like: hiking, journaling, and reading Dostoevsky (and Tina Fey) - the one goal I'm already actively doing is...ready...."be more active on ETSY"! ha. When I wrote that on my list I had originally meant that I would revamp my Etsy shop but I've quickly been sucked into this viral vortex of vintage clothing and handmade goods. My first purchase was pending between these two dresses by Pleiades.
For those of you who might not know what Etsy is - it's an online market place of sorts where people can buy and sell vintage or handmade goods. Now you may think it's the traditional girl & dress happily-ever-after kinda story but it's NOT! Oh no. You see I'm kinda cheap (with a side order of young anti-consumer idealism) and it's not just because I'm in college - that just means I don't get dirty looks because it's still socially acceptable for me. I feel like you need a bit of context to fully appreciate the kind of modern Dorian Gray situation I'm in...but I'm too ashamed so I'll just leave it at a vague "I need to start budgeting". To add insult to injury, we're currently going through the Pop Art - Neo Conceptualism section in our Contemporary Art History class. These movements are classified by their strong social commentary on consumerism. So while I sat in class and felt the Baldessari school of thought closing in on me...
...our professor read this quote by Jeff Koons “I believe that my art gets across the point that I'm in this morality theater trying to help the underdog, and I'm speaking socially here, showing concern and making psychological and philosophical statements for the underdog.”...and then I knew what I had to do....I bought that dress! Because Jeff Koons may have some interesting art but he used to work on Wall Street for crying out loud and is all about art as a commodity. Besides that though, he's full of it and full of himself and (shake fist for added emphasis) I'll be damned if I take in any of his insincere notions of his artist persona or let that half wit "speak" for me. As I clicked purchase I had one of those cheesy retrospective moments that the Tanners have at the end of every FH episode. Any way in which I write out the conclusion of this FH moment just makes me want to puke on myself but I'll throw out some of the phrases that went through my head: "We are all going to consume" "A&MK let's be frenz" "moderation" "eff Koons" "statements for the underdog my a$%*" and "POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!" wait, what? (o gaaawd I know i'll regret this post in a couple of days. o well, to be young and naive...can I get an amen?)