Here's some of my recent pins.
I really want a vintage one piece. Real bad. Mostly because they're so dang cute but really because then I figure I can stop setting my alarm for 9a.m. to "go on a run" that I always snooze and decide to go on "tomorrow".
I can sense your skepticism and you're right, I didn't make this cake... BUT I did make this one.
Now that I think about it, I've become much more "domestic" lately than I like? I recently just got a "new" roomie & I helped her decorate her wall. She was a real Bachelor of Arts ballerrr in high school which is why those red basketball shoes are on the wall - that & because the red matched the creepy Pinocchio doll she got on her summer trip to Italy.
I was so happy when she wanted this poster on her wall. I love this image, though I'm bias because I've always loved Magritte and this reminds me of his painting. Oh & I guess also because *sneak attack*
I really want a vintage one piece. Real bad. Mostly because they're so dang cute but really because then I figure I can stop setting my alarm for 9a.m. to "go on a run" that I always snooze and decide to go on "tomorrow".
I've also been possessed by some kind of Betty Crocker Poltergeist &&& have been baking almost daily.....
In a perfect world the u.s. unemployment rate wouldn't be 9.1%, my kitchen would look like this and I'd be wearing a vintage one piece bathing suit under my pajamas right now.
(((A home in Malmö, Sweden. Photo by Peter Carlsson for Hus & Hem.)))
I was so happy when she wanted this poster on her wall. I love this image, though I'm bias because I've always loved Magritte and this reminds me of his painting. Oh & I guess also because *sneak attack*
....after all the pinning, baking & decorating I ("right/wrongly") felt compelled to start my summer reading with Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex so I ("right/wrongly") downloaded it from ________ ....I'm "kidding" that "last" part "is" a "joke"....
Your Whatever,